Software and tools that I love and keep me moving quickly
Here’s a big list of all of my favorite stuff I use for building software.
Fathom Analytics
An analytics platform that cares a whole lot of users' privacy. What's not to love?
Data/State Management
A really great free, open-source alternative to Postman. It makes working with and testing API's a breeze.
React Hook Form
The best way to complex data and forms. Although it does so much, I think it is one of the most underrated tools when it comes to form accessilibity.
TanStack Query
I can honestly say that this is one of the greatest tools I use. Tanstack Query makes managing client-side data easier than anything I've ever used.
TanStack Table
What is a web app without a dashboard and a table? This tool makes everything complicated about tables a piece of cake.
One of the coolest tools for making applications typesafe from end-to-end. It makes building and validating API's and interacting with your data easier than ever.
Database Utilities
A tool that makes spinning up local databases super simple.
One of the best tools for managing database data. It acts as a great source of truch, easily handles migrations, and even has a built-in, typesafe ORM.
Supabase is an incredible resource for everything an application needs to save for later. Not only does it let me easily spin up a Postgres database, it also handles authentication and file storage.
A beatiful tool for interacting with databases.
Adobe XD will always have a special place in my heart, but Figma has been a great replacement. I've yet to use a better tool for creating and sharing prototypes and designing awesome UI's.
For long running applications, Railway has been a great place to host applications. Super cheap, super reliable.
I can just about get any application I want online instantly using Vercel. It really is remarkable how easy it is to share things with the world nowadays.
Chakra UI
Chakra may be the most unsung tool in this list. It is quietly an extremely robust, accessibility focused, and beautiful UI library. When I want to build an application quickly, this is the first tool I reach for.
Panda CSS
Built by the same team as Chakra UI, I think Panda CSS is going to become extremely popular. It solves the biggest problem with Chakra and adds whole lot more to my component building repetoire.
Tailwind CSS
Where to even start. Tailwind and utility based CSS frameworks have changed the world of web design. I rarely need to open a CSS file, and I'm better for it.